How To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Carmel

Rising summer temperatures will often leave your Carmel apartment sweltering -- particularly when you live at the top of your building. You have the choice to increase the burden on the A/C for a quick respite and deal with a more costly cooling bill. Another option is to spend all your free time at the pool. Alternatively, follow these tips to stay cool in your apartment in Carmel.
Be Smart With Your Thermostat To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Carmel

When attempting to stay cool in your apartment in Carmel, it’s tempting to turn up your hard working A/C unit. But running your A/C equipment at full strength will get a bit pricey, and it’s not intended to cool down your unit more than 15 to 20 degrees from the outer air temperature. You can operate your A/C more efficiently by adjusting your thermostat a few degrees higher before you leave for your daily commute. This will keep your place from becoming too warm without overtaxing your trusty air conditioner when you’re away. After you return home, lower the thermostat to a more agreeable setting.
Regular service of your HVAC system helps your air conditioner operate in a more efficient manner as well. You should request your building maintenance technicians to examine it and install new filters on a regular basis. Many properties arrange for HVAC filter changes during the year and supply the filters for you. Let them know if you believe a filter needs changing or if your system is having a problem.
Install Window Treatments To Block The Sun’s Heat

The windows at your apartment allow a lot of heat. Protecting your space with suitable window treatments will aid in keeping you comfortable. Start by keeping your apartment blinds closed. The basic white blinds found in a majority of apartments will divert some of the sun’s heat. Your next step is the installation of room-darkening curtains. These solid products stave off those powerful sun rays and can help keep your unit several degrees cooler. The majority of apartment complexes are fine if you install curtain hardware if you agree to repair the holes in the walls before you vacate the premises.
If you love the views of your apartment grounds to a point that you don’t want to block your windows, you might use temporary temperature control window film. This transparent product attaches to your windows and impedes solar heat but not your perspective. While you’re at it, put weatherstripping along the window to minimize the influx of hot air while keeping the cool air in.
Get Your Air Circulating With Fans
Fans aid in providing proper airflow and ventilation within all of your rooms to help ensure consistent comfort. Put a fan next to a vent to circulate your treated air. If your apartment came with ceiling fans, check to ensure they rotate counterclockwise. This allows the fan to send the cooled air down.
If you have access to kitchen or bath exhaust fans, you can use these too. Usually, these fans pull steamy air from your space and discharge it to the exterior of your home as you cook or use the shower, but they could be utilized whenever you want. Power them on when you get home after work to remove the hot, stuffy air that builds up within your walls all day while your cooling system or ceiling fans replace it with more pleasant air.
Avoid Using The Oven When The Summer Heat Is Sizzling

Find The Right Apartment And Stay Cool At Midtown Flats
Midtown Flats has roomy layouts, desirable amenities, and a beautiful community--just what you require for a great apartment living experience regardless of the season. We’ll tell you about all we have to offer Residents when you contact us at 317-597-4596 or arrange for a tour.